Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22, 2009 Where'd he go?

The empty bed: Joshua is down in XRay, with a fever and feeling crappy. Apparently he was sleepless and coughing through the night. He comes back, looking peaked. A great saga has occurred overnight: armadillos attacking the earth!!!!

You had to be there....

The pain team arrives, and the duodern/tape removal is so pleasurable that the pain doc comments it sounds pretty orgasmic. We walk to the bathroom, get a urine sample, and I wash his back. Simple pleasures: soap and water.

Fewer tubes! this is progress. The doctors come in and out, they don't have today's bloodwork, but are reporting he is doing better than expected, his WBC (yesterday's) is not elevated nor too low, and Josh is now chipper, now tired. The Integrative Medicine service is here now, giving him a foot massage. Very nice. He is dozing...nice and relaxed.


  1. Oh my, such a rollar coaster of up and down. but the trajectory sounds good. Please hug each other from me.

    It sounds so hard to be so educated and understanding of all that is going on, and not be able to get good answers from doctors who are used to less educated patients.... I hope the MDs on your blog here weigh in soon......

    Love and more love, ellen

  2. Armadillos...yes. They are an evolutionary wonder. Sending love and thoughts for a restful day.

  3. You are getting there guys- One day at a time.

    The rounds on me, when he (and you two!)can have one...or 6...or so...You get the point...Name your poison- and this time- in a good way!Pain meds the way do pain meds should be done...

  4. Chipper is fantastic, tired is expected - and integrative medicine with foot massage, well that's just great. I hope the rest of the day has gone well, the blood work has come back good and that Josh gets some good sleep sans fever and attacking armadillos! Love and hugs, Andrea
